Women in Innovation countdown to COP26
Hydrogen Mini Dispenser trial with AA alternative fuels recovery vehicle
Beth Dawson from Fuel Cell Systems Ltd was a Women in Innovation finalist in 2016, receiving a support package across 2017 for her ‘mini hydrogen dispenser’ project – the equivalent of a hydrogen ‘jerry can’ for stranded fuel cell vehicles. During that year, the team at FCSL made a prototype system and proved the concept, then moved on to a finalised design. By the end of the year, the AA took delivery of the first product and installed it into a ‘Zero Emissions Support Vehicle’ which also incorporated a fast-charger for battery vehicles. FCSL and the AA have gone on to showcase this technology at a wide variety of industry events.
The mini dispenser has successfully rescued three stranded fuel cell vehicles to date. It was also used during the Hyundai Nexo launch in the UK, where the Telegraph journalist Andrew English undertook a 1000 mile journey from London and Edinburgh and back.
Prior to the mini dispenser, FCSL had also built a hydrogen refuelling truck which has been used for fuelling (literally) planes, trains and automobiles. Adding the mini dispenser gave another product point on the ‘refuelling spectrum’ from a jerry can up to a big static station.
Since the advent of the mini dispenser, it has become clear that a solution sized between the two is something that has real commercial value for those currently working within hydrogen transport. The latest product is the HyQube – a small, easily redeployable system that can be plugged into any hydrogen source and fill almost any vehicle. FCSL have already sold these into projects refuelling cars, boats and trains.
In fact, the HyQube can be seen alongside the Vanguard/Porterbrook hydrogen fuel cell train being shown at COP26.
A real success story! Thank you UKRI.