Dulas and FCSL – powering remote data collection
Dulas, a leader in renewable energy solutions, required robust off-grid power supplies for their core business of wind measurement data collection. This data collection is essential for assessing potential wind farm sites, requiring continuous power in remote and often harsh environments. Dulas turned to FCSL to meet this critical need, utilising a combination of solar power and direct methanol fuel cells to create a sustainable solution.
Portable, off-grid power for flood warning equipment on the Thames
The Environment Agency (EA) has various responsibilities throughout the country, including the task of monitoring water levels in rivers across the UK and issuing flood warnings promptly. The EA explored the potential of utilising solar panels to generate power for the equipment, but also had experience of using fuel cells successfully for other similar installations.

Fuel cell provides power to water tank monitoring equipment
Wessex Water equipment used to monitor water tanks is powered by fuel cell

Field Station | Naturae Observatio
Case study from our customer, The IK Foundation, detailing the field station in Svalbard, for which we designed the energy solution
CO2 monitoring equipment for forest research powered by EFOY fuel cell
Forest Research is Great Britain’s principal organisation for forestry and tree related research and is internationally renowned for the provision of evidence and scientific …

Off-grid Power Solutions: Antarctic Communications
Fuel Cell Systems Ltd delivered assembled fuel cell units to power essential communications equipment on the Antarctic island of South Georgia…

Fuel Cell Delivers 8 week autonomy for Wireless CCTV Ltd
Fuel Cell Systems works with wireless CCTV LTD to deliver a totally autonomous CCTV tower, offering uninterrupted power for up to 8 weeks

Wildlife-For-All: Wildlife Filming
Fuel Cell Systems has supplied several direct methanol fuel cells to a wildlife filming company to power its camera equipment.

Remote off-grid power for CCTV surveillance cameras provides road network security
Around 4,300 miles of motorways and trunk roads make up the strategic road network in England. It’s important that key parts of this network are constantly monitored…

BBC Winterwatch
Fuel cell technology used to help capture rare wildlife footage in Scotland for the BBC’s Winterwatch series

Off-grid power solutions: The SWISH2 Education Centre
Fuel Cell Systems design and deliver the UK’s first fully integrated portable building powered by fuel cell and solar generated hydrogen.

Arctic Expedition uses fuel cell to power research equipment
Polar scientists from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) carry out research that uses the Polar Regions to advance our understanding of Earth and our impact on it…